
MINDA Industrieanlagen GmbH
Hans-Böckler-Str. 24
32423 Minden

Phone: +49 571 / 3997 - 0
Fax:      +49 571 / 3997 - 105
Mail: info@minda.com 
Internet: www.minda.com 

Managing Directors:
Dipl.-Ing. Robert Falch
Dr.-Ing. Sascha Falkenberg


Register of companies: Bad Oeynhausen
Register number: HRB 5149

V.A.T. identification number acc. to § 27 a of the sales tax law: DE126021930
Person responsible for the content acc. to § 6 MDStV: Dr.-Ing. Ruth Wäntig

MINDA Industrieanlagen GmbH
Arneburger Str. 37 n
39590 Tangermünde

Phone: +49 39322 / 996 - 0
Fax:      +49 39322 / 996 - 66

Managing Directors:
Dipl.-Ing. Robert Falch
Dr.-Ing. Sascha Falkenberg

Register of companies: Stendal
Register number: HRB 105

V.A.T. identification number acc. to § 27 a of the sales tax law: DE139531036
Person responsible for the content acc. to § 6 MDStV: Dr.-Ing. Sascha Falkenberg

Enzer Str. 121
31655 Stadthagen

Phone: +49 5721 / 9789 - 0
Fax:      +49 5721 / 9789 - 30

Managing Directors:
Dipl.-Ing. Robert Falch
Dr.-Ing. Sascha Falkenberg

Register of companies: Amtsgericht Stadthagen
Register number: HRB 143

V.A.T. identification number acc. to § 27 a of the sales tax law: DE116541558
Person responsible for the content acc. to § 6 MDStV: Dr.-Ing. Sascha Falkenberg

Liability notice:

In spite of careful checking of the content MINDA is not liable for the content of external links. The owner of the linked pages is exclusively responsible for their content.

Photo Credits

You will find all photo credits here.

Anonymized whistleblower system in accordance with the Whistleblower Protection Act (German Law: HinSchG)

Internal reporting: Trusty

External reporting: BfJ Contact